Johnny Mafia-ren “2024: Annee du dragon” eta gehio
Gaurko irratsaioan: *The Celibate rifles “The more things change” *Devo “Uncontrolable urge” *Iggy Pop “Knocking’em down” *Ramones “Animal boy” *Jayne County and the Electric chairs “It ain’t how much you got” *Slaughter and the dogs “What’s wrong boy?” *GBH “Necrophilia” JOHNNY MAFIA “2024: ANNEE DU DRAGON” LParen errepasoa *The Motors “Time for make up” *Bram … Continued
Gaurko irratsaioan:
*The Celibate rifles “The more things change”
*Devo “Uncontrolable urge”
*Iggy Pop “Knocking’em down”
*Ramones “Animal boy”
*Jayne County and the Electric chairs “It ain’t how much you got”
*Slaughter and the dogs “What’s wrong boy?”
*GBH “Necrophilia”
JOHNNY MAFIA “2024: ANNEE DU DRAGON” LParen errepasoa
*The Motors “Time for make up”
*Bram Tchaikovsky “Sarah smiles”
*The Boomtown rats “Someone’s looking at you”
*Angelic upstarts “Unsung heroes part II”
*Bad manners “Walking in the sunshine”
*Blondie “Die young stay pretty”